Institute of Business Administrtion
Banking / Financial Institutions

Share Your Work Experience Form
Name: Seemin Shafi
Organization: Burj Bank Limited
Designation: Group Head HRD
Work Experience (in years): since 1984
Industry: Banking/ Financial Institution

Q. What to expect at the entrant level? (Ups and downs during the early years)
Not really. Found the early employment years both enjoyable and a good learning experience. As IBA graduate was readily accepted and valued.

Q. Explain the Career progress that is typical to this field? (Growth pattern/ promotion chances/ overseas placements)
Started as Marketing Manager in local distributorship of a Japanese electronic manufacturer. Then went on to work as Marketing Manager for a Financial Services Company. After that moved to Banking sector and progressed through that to current position which is key management position.

Q. What pre requisite courses need to taken to help students to enter this career path? (Courses/ certifications that help in this field)
For marketing career, the foundation courses and the electives at IBA were ok but should also have more seminar type courses with application and case studies and field work.

Q. Do employers have a preference for certain individuals? (CGPA or a specialized Bachelors or masters requirement)
While GPA and masters is a preference which paves the way and opens doors, the individuals own competencies are the final determinant for selection.

Q. Who are the industry leaders and trend setters in this field? (Companies that need to be looked out for)
Most MNCs and Banks are good trend setters in field of Marketing. Amongst local companies, Peak Freans, Engro, National Foods ect are also serious contenders.

Q. Any advise that you can offer to current students?
Take initiative and go beyond text books. Research latest trends and developments in marketing theory and practice.