Interview Panel Spring Intake 2014

takes pride in many of its strengths but one that has
stood the test of time is its admissions process. From
filtering down thousands of aspirants to mere hundreds
through the aptitude test, the process then subjects the
candidates to group discussions and interview. Since
2012, IBA has tried to actively engage Alumni in helping
IBA find the right candidate.
This year around 300 candidates cleared the aptitude
test for various undergraduate and graduate programs and
were called for the group discussion and interview session spread over 4 days starting
March 2014. Admissions Interview Panellists consists of
faculty and Alumni who first gauge the candidates in a
group setting and then assess their suitability during
one-on-one interview.
Fact Sheet
Date: 25 & 27-29 March
Venue: Adamjee Academic
Block, IBA Main Campus
No. of Interviewees:
Around 300 students
Programme: BBA/BS/MBA
No. of Alumni: More than
Alumni Work Experience:
10 years +
Panel Structure: Faculty
+ Alumni |
More than 50 Alumni from as far back as 1966 made it to
the session despite their hectic schedule and short
notice. As per the requirement by IBA Testing
Department, Alumni with 10 years and more work
experience were invited and senior alumni (mostly comprising of CEOs and functional heads)
graced IBA with their presence.
IBA Alumni Department is indebted to all the interview
panelists who aided IBA in choosing the best talent in
the country.
I am really very grateful to you for
inviting me to join the interview panel. It was such a
revealing and good experience. Revealing, because it
reiterated my view that IBA's
new entrants criteria is still as
good as it was in 1973, the year I got admitted at IBA.
The calibre and overall knowledge of the prospective
entrants was of very high quality. This forced my view
that the initial aptitude test is of high quality and
that the candidates who got through the initial stage
had to be both intellectually and academically very
proficient. I had come for 1 hour but stayed for about 2
½ hours. It was an honour to be there. The questions
guide given to the interviewers was well drafted and was
mostly sufficient for assessing the capabilities of the
Mohammed Khalid Ali
Chief Executive Officer
Security Leasing Corporation Limited -
Alumnus 1976 |
This is a very good activity for IBA. It is surely a way
to bridge the communication gap between IBA and its
Alumni. The interview questionnaire was also very good
and it is surely very helpful for the right selection of
the candidate.
Muhammad Arsalan Zafar
Alumnus 2004 |
Thank you for asking me to be a part of this very
important process. It would be a good idea to gather all
the panellists prior to the actual interviews so that a
coherent mind set is applied to the students. Otherwise
it was very nice interacting with the candidates and
being a part of shaping the future of our much loved
Sardar Amir Adnan
Amir Adnan
Alumnus 1987 |