The event was scheduled to kick off at 1000 hrs but so much was the enthusiasm that Alumni started arriving well before time. For the first time, a valet service was made available for the incoming Alumni which was appreciated by all. The distinguished guests then proceeded to the registration desks where student volunteers greeted them and handed over their name tags prepared beforehand through a registration process for the reunion. For those who decided to visit their alma mater at the last moment were given out their badges there and then.
To compensate for the early start, alums were treated to a hi-tea at the onset of the proceeding. This turned out to be a great networking session where old-time class mates and friends met after a long time and shared happy memories.
The concept behind the reunion was two-fold; firstly, to apprise Alumni of all the changes at the IBA and its future plans / implementation, and secondly, to discuss how the Alumni may interact / help the IBA to reach its objectives.
The man behind this novel idea was Mr. Shahid Shafiq, Alumni Representative on the IBA Board of Governors. It took more than a month of preparation for this mega event that featured CEOs, seasoned Entrepreneurs and future leaders from different sectors and industries. E-invitations were sent out to Alumni all over the world asking them to spread the word about the reunion and an overwhelming response was received.
Dean & Director, IBA, Dr. Ishrat Husain informed the audience about the academic and infrastructural changes taken place at IBA and elucidated his future plans. Dr. Ishrat also answered to the queries of alums in the Q & A session.
The attendees were also briefed by the Directors of different academic programs on curricular changes and a presentation was given by the Director Projects on the infrastructural transformation. Afterwards, Alumni were taken for a guided tour to on-campus facilities. Engineers from the Projects department were present at each site to explain the features of the buildings. Attendees were then seated in the IBA buses (famously known as the "Point") and taken for an off-campus tour to Boys and Girls Hostel and Visiting Faculty residences.
The highlight of the event was the commitment of pledges for two units of Alumni Students' Centre worth Rs. 5 million each by the class of 1971-72 and 1974-75. Moreover, about a dozen Alumni pledged generous donations to IBA.
Alumni Department is grateful to the wonderful Administration staff of IBA and more than two dozen volunteers of Alumni Society for making this a memorable event.