
Message from the Alumni Representative on the IBA BOG

Message from the Head of Alumni Affairs

Dear Alumni,

Thank you for re-electing me as your representative and entrusting your valuable vote on me. What an enormous privilege and honor it is to be trusted with the position of the Alumni Representative on the IBA Board of governors again and I am deeply conscious of that privilege extended to me by my fellow alumni. I have learned innumerable lessons over the past few decades as your representative and realized how important it is to set out the priorities for the alumni department towards the welfare of the IBA and the alumni community and then focusing on them relentlessly.

I believe there is an even greater responsibility on my shoulders, after re-election, to articulate very clearly with the community, what are the difficult decisions we make and the consequences and challenges we face and how we work our way through them and that I will try to do. The Three-year strategy is in the process of making and will be shared with you all in due time. In 2019, we aim to revive a few previously endorsed initiatives like the movie screenings and theatrical performances for the alumni to bond over. And I also aim come up with new and better activities for alumni engagement along with my team.

My heartiest felicitations to the Alumni and the CDC team for successfully launching and running the job portal.


Shahid Shafiq
Class of 1974