
Message from the Head of Alumni Affairs

Message from the Head of Alumni Affairs

Dear Alumni,
Warm greetings from your alma mater.

The Alumni Department is the primary communications link between the University and our alumni. It is our goal to encourage and nurture a lifelong bond between the alumni and its alma mater through participation, association, and commitment.

We might want to begin with our appreciation to all the volunteers who have shared their time and skills with us during the previous year. Our volunteers include alumni who serve on our boards, committees, alumni chapters, and help us host events in places where we can't reach. A few examples include the Alumni reunion held in the United States where various alumni joined in person and many via video conference from 11 states.

Over the coming years it will be our aim to strengthen the relationship between the institute and our alumni; to develop programs which match the interests and needs of the alumni; to expand the positive connections we have with our experienced alumni and to increase the association with our junior alumni.

Accomplishing these objectives will require a colossal collaboration, and it will be imperative to enroll the help of the administration of IBA, friends of the IBA, and of course, the alumni!

We perceive, recognize, and hold onto our alumni as our key partners in the growth of this institute. We also encourage each alumnus and friend of the institute to be ambassadors for IBA in their respective communities by assisting with the recruitment of students and by supporting programs via your time, talent, and finances.

Wishing you the best,
Malahat Awan